Between gasoline prices and car insurance, public transportation is looking downright attractive. Many factors go into producing your rate for car insurance, including: your driving record, the length of time in years that you have held a drivers license, whether you have tickets or accidents(a dui or dwi can double your insurance rates or get you canceled), how much liability you require and whether you put comprehensive and collision coverage on the vehicle. To a large extent, your credit is now a factor in many states. When insurance companies first started factoring in credit scores to determine insurance rates, most people - myself included - balked at this decision and couldn't understand how credit could have anything to do with my driving record and consequently the price charged for car insurance. Well, there is a HUGE correlation between the inability to pay and insurance claims. Your insurance agent can be a great help in saving you money with simple recommendations, but he or she can do nothing about your credit score, so debt management has come to the forefront. In short, pay your bills on time, even if you pay the minimum. It's essential, for without credit, many big-ticket items are unavailable or you are charged a significantly higher interest rate and, in some cases, a higher insurance premium for that convertible BMW...
How can you save money on car insurance?
a) take a defensive driver course;
b) stay out of trouble with the traffic violations bureau. Stop speeding, don't run red lights, stop signs, etc. and pay attention!;
c) pay your bills on time;
d) don't let friends borrow your car for their accidents will likely be paid by your company(so long as you gave them permission....)
e) Buy a car you can afford! This cannot be overstressed and our current economy is forcing folks to stay within their means; and lastly, ask your agent, broker or company rep. for advice. The insight of a knowledgable insurance professional is priceless.
a) take a defensive driver course;
b) stay out of trouble with the traffic violations bureau. Stop speeding, don't run red lights, stop signs, etc. and pay attention!;
c) pay your bills on time;
d) don't let friends borrow your car for their accidents will likely be paid by your company(so long as you gave them permission....)
e) Buy a car you can afford! This cannot be overstressed and our current economy is forcing folks to stay within their means; and lastly, ask your agent, broker or company rep. for advice. The insight of a knowledgable insurance professional is priceless.
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